"What is this about?" you may ask. Well, Here I am, giving opinión when no one asked me, but I concern since I'm Editor in chief of El Investigador:
The General Director of the magazine usually promotes it on his personal facebook wall. Last year this month the theme was Steamgoth and a picture from that issue was shared:
Negr O Inmunsapa: "Steamgoth has a darkest point of view abut the environment where Steampunk is developed, including magical or paranormal elements in its plot. Where Steampunk shows a Victorian Era of Science Fiction, Steamgoth does it under the espectrum of horror and fantasy"
Next, as you can see in the picture above, himself shares some related images, and then a comment appears from someone who used to be called "Profesor Heitmann" who contributed with us in October 2011 (El Investigador 8 - Steamgoth), with an introduction article. From then on the mess began...
Javier Darren: Uy, Negro, the article I wrote in "El Investigador" about Steamgoth!! That's my favorite side and the one I better met in Germany... Let's see if I do contribute again with your great magazine... XDNegr O Inmunsapa: Yes, Javier, I also remember you wrote a very long article about Alesteir Crowley (2500 words, which is the same to 5 pages when in that time our columnists used to have 2 and a half) and we asked you to cut it or make the arranges to publish it in 4 issues. You didn't want and disappeared without saying anything else, not even said thank you. Do you remember?
Javier Darren: mmm... yes, of course I remember, I remember that you didn't told me about the limit of lines, cutted the article as you wished to, afeter several days looking for information to write it, also, without telling me you just cutted the article saying it was too long when if you're looking for contributors the logic thing is you want material and do not reject it as you did with mine. You say I didn't said thank you...ah so I had to say thank you because of working in an article for you magazine without a paymet and just for the love to the art and for, then, you reject it? Well as we say here in Spain... If you want "I'm the whore and we can use my bed". However, I have nothing else to say about it, I wish you luck in your proyect.
Well, since then on, Profesor Heitmann (Javier Darren in the picture) felt ofended and make false accusations. The mess is too long, but is that basically, he say that we cutted the article about Steamgoth, that we rejected the one dedicated to Alesteir Crowley and also he has offended to everyone who has contributed to El Investigador, from our columnists to external contributors the same, something I can't allow since the entire team has been very professional and committed all the time.
Now, here's my version of the story in a summary of the mails Profesor Heitmann exchanged with me. The translation is below the picture:
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Click here to zoom in. If there's still to small, download it, please. |
October 18th 2011
Greetings comrades,
Here I attach the article about Alesteir Crowley in a Word file. I wish you like it, I've tried to make it as nice as I can, the result is a little long but I think it might be that way, since every single paragraph is vital to understand very well the life of this big personality of the Ocultism.
Attached too the zip file with the pictures I'd like to include with the article. That's all.
Profesor Heitmann
October 18th 2011Dear Profesor Heitmann
Talking about a personality such as Alesteir Crowley is, of course, a very long work, there are a lot of things to say and explain about him, however, I am really sorry to tell you that, even it is interesting, your article is excessively long and have to ask you to cut it 800 words long, the pictures and illustrations you sent are great, Mr. Xpk is going to have a big repertory to choose, the only thing is to fix the text, please.
I do understand is going to be a very complited work, but if you don't really want to cut it, then I ask you to fix it for four issues, this one we really need of 800 words top, and next can be 1200 each one. We'll be waiting for the edited file tomorrow 21:00hrs GMT-6.
In the future I really beg you to limitate your contributions to a maximum of 1200 words, but this time we really need 800 because of space.
Taking advantage of this letter, I want to ask you to, in case you decide to cut the article, think about what you're going to submit for December and January's issues which we have to have for the month, that's the only way we can have Winter Vacations.
I'm relly sorry about giving this kind of news but that's my job xD, don't be stressed too much, be happy, eat fruits and vegetables and send me your edited article :)
Regards from this side of the stars
October 19th 2011Greetings Lady Von Marmalade and Negr O Inmunsapa:
I do understand very well your requirement, and even when, being sincere, I don't like the idea of dividing the article about the figure of Alesteir Crowley, as I said, it is necesary to understand and explore everything my article have to say in order to have a general vision about such a remarkable occultist (and taking on count there are a lot of things I didn't say), I see myself in the obbligation to divide the article in several parts, since the option of cut it down is one I don't think could be acceptable, since I already said, I reduced it so much concentrating a minimum of information and data that will result as enjoyable as possible to the reader, and if I delete any part of them, the article will loose the sense. Said that, I will send you the one of three parts of the article, if you like since four is kind of excesive to me, but as you prefer.
On the other hand, I didn't know about this limitation of 800 or 1200 words for each article, but don't worry, I will take it on count for future contributions.
Without anything else to say, I send you the first part of the article you can title like that, as a first part. I think that don't exceed tha 800 words, but if it does, you can delete the part you consider convenient, your have my permission to do it.
Professor Heitmann
Nocturne soldier of Legión XIII
October 19th 2011I'm sorry, I didn't attach the file. Here it is.
December 7th 2011Dear Profesor Heitmann
From the Editor's office we write to you to say hello and to ask you abput your article about Alesteir Crowley which the first part was already published in our 10th issue and need to know if there's going to be a second part before the next friday 9th.
I want to remind you that we're going on vacation and won't come back until January.
I'll be waiting for your answer as soon as possible.
Regards from this side of the stars.
Since then I didn't have any news abput Profesor Heitmann untill this mess began. He didn't say "I don't want to continue" nor even an excuse was given, nothing but a tumbleweed.
If you'd like to read the entire conversation Profesor Heitmann and El Investigador's General Director are having on facebook, follow this link (it's in Spanish but there's always Google Translate).
If you want further information about how we met Profesor Heitmann, how we accepted his submission and many details more, even if you would like to receive the original file Profesor Heitmann sent to me, the one that apperas as an attachment in the picture above and the one about Steamgoth, I will send them to you so the judgement is yours. I have nothing to hide.
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